Author: Genadiy Zakladnuy

In July Poltava held second ocherednoy tournament. At this time tournament prizes at the firm Xiom. Recall that yuynskyy month oznamenovalsya tournament for prizes Donic. So here, with 25 to 27 July proshel First otkrыtыy tournament in table tennis, posvyaschennыy Korean manufacturer. Honestly confess, else two years ago, Ksyom for me not áûë uvazhaemыm centuries. Moreover, I naotrez otkazыvalsya BELIEVE IN TEARS because something koreyskaya firm mozhet on ravnыh konkuryrovat with such yzvestnыmy and sylnыmy Inc., kak Donic, Andro, Butterfly. Think Many schytaly as well. A schytaly, okazыvaetsya not Vern! Told me and I would like to Story our readers.


  Maybe accidentally, but could and no, but yes slozhylos, that at the opening tournament was attended by Vice-company president Xiom. On Indeed pryehal working visit to Ukraine in order to participate in the When personally nashem restructuring and uvydet nastolnыy tennis Ukraine svoymy eyes. Of course the same, this is could not poradovat our participants. After the ceremony all sportsmenы discovery, ymely opportunity just pozdorovatsya s Sэmom ili sfotohrafyrovatsya on memory, that as well polstylo our guest. Sohlasytes for us with you pryyatnыy It was a moment. I myself held a poly of time with him, beseduya on Miscellaneous Topics, How about table tennis as well and at life in general, and ego Even on history of the country. Like us stranno, but he himself áûë lesions nashej tradytsyonnoy Ukrainskaia hostepryymnostyu. Ved ryadovыe his visit to Europe always okanchyvayutsya lysh druzheskym rukopozhatyem and not more than that. Hello - k Cause - to svydanyya. We do not pryvыkly. Not our education. We just do not ymeem privilege nakormyt nasheho guest tradytsyonnыm ili solyankoy soup, dumplings, not suvenyrnuyu will present bottles of vodka. This Ukraine. And in so doing, Ukraine has been Bolshoi surprise for guests.

  Go neposredstvenno k Cause And yet again pootkrovennychayu.

  After our association with him Beseda me dawned stolko optymyzma, Ved Indeed, Xiom put themselves byt problem number 1 in table tennis. Moreover, ones so confidently dvyhayutsya rolled by His goal, that drives me not nykakyh somnenyy arises. They are ymy to stand! How schepetylno company otnosytsya k Melochi every Saturday! As qualitatively! How otvetstvenno! Now me Sovsem not udyvlyaet that fact, that in svoym sales in Japan, already ñåé Ksyom obohnaly "the hosts grounds." Butterfly otstaet tselыh at 5%. And this is in itself at home - 28% versus 23%. Remember hours ago I received a otskanyrovannuyu page of the Japanese magazine table tennis. In it pryvodylsya top 10 lining in all groups. As far as I áûë udyvlen, when in numbers better lysh has found a pad series Tenergy. Yes, in the first place - this has been Butterfly Tenergy 05FX. A Xiom, do you demand? How many? I'll otvechu - 3 cover series Vega. Then this is for me áûëî surprise, now there.

  With every Saturday Novaya nakladkoy I understand, kak stremytelno razvyvayutsya's technology. Obeschannaya ymy Oktyabrskaya overlay Xiom Sigma 2 has ñåé ready to make one dolhozhdannыy revolution in the world table tennis. For descriptions of the overlay Xiom Sigma 2, gaming blog alot sully and uluchshennыe stsepnыe quality. According to Sam, ymenno sponge otvechaet by-rotation pads. Replace sponges proof Bolsheviks in natural substances, topics more than the rotation. Replace more than the synthetic, themes more than the speed. At the moment Ksyom blog his personally razrabotannuyu carboxylic sponge. She constantly obnovlyaetsya and usovershenstvuetsya.

  Zaynteresoval process test Novaya Syhmы 2 better Korean tennysystamy, kotoroe conducted vslepuyu. Were podobranы neskolko rackets s better to date, overlays. Oprobovav's, sportsmenы stop the temper Own ymenno on Xiom Sigma 2. And of course the same udyvylys, when íàçâàíèå not sovpalo s s predpolozhenyem.

  Kasatelno reason. In May month in Korea has been running a new factory for the production is based. This Pervaya in the world production based automated system. After a lot of action posledovatelnыh You absolutely HAD tree hotovoe k yhre. Full, avtomatyzyrovanye ysklyuchylo factor chelovecheskoy error. Also equipped with factory equipment for everyone neobhodymыm podderzhyvanyya stabylnoy temperature and vlazhnosty. Fluctuations эtyh indicators Submissions may lead rolled completely raznыm workplace characteristics at one and the same grounds. HERE you can have that same otnesty Weight tree - summer on Maybe another and fall of the second. Technical Securing addition to production Founded berutsya luchshye breed trees with obyazatelnыm otborom for quality, and something hordytsya company. Even one moment kasayuschymsya based, is the absolutely New Innovative Material from Ksyoma - XCarbon. In excellence from simple carbon carbon X lehche and in 3 times more expensive.

  Novoe syntetycheskoe fiber áûëî successfully realyzovano bases in series Xiom Hayabusa, sale kotorыh scheduled from October month. Pohvastayus - the first distributor, someone received a obraztsы эtyh based - is we. And áûëî this is timed to coincide with our first; tournament for prizes Korean company. At First Sight racket stylnыe and very kachestvennыe. On the characteristics-lёhkye and kontrolnыe. Connection Founded in Zylon and xCarbon This Novaya Era based production for table tennis.

  Shoes. Okazыvaetsya Institute is located in Seoul obuvnыh technologies such myrovыh of famous brands Like Nike, Reebok, Puma. And there ymenno Xiom opens podrazdelenye own way! Zhdem January. Manufacturing shoes for table tennis will begin ymenno Xiom do this, with months. This is not polnыy The list order that mozhet Xiom What are they and Plans. What can I to say? Well done guys. Now we'd be with neterpenyem wait for news with Asia.

 C HC., Zakladnыy Gennady.

Date: 11 January 2013